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OUR Alumni

Michel Schellekens

Award: Fulbright Irish Scholar Award

Institution: University College Cork

Year: 2018

Michel Schellekens (PhD CMU) is an associate professor at the department of Computer Science of University College Cork. As a Fulbright Scholar, he will undertake research into algorithmic design automation at Stanford in collaboration with StanfordÂ’s Computer Science theory group (research host: Don Knuth). This work aims to lay groundwork for an “expert-in-a-box” assisting with automated software development. Michel manages the Legacy Project “Conversations on George Boole” (UCC Impact Award, 2016) including interviews with experts at Berkeley, MIT, Stanford and NASAÂ’s Kennedy Space Centre on the legacy of George Boole, UCCÂ’s first mathematics professor, inventor of Boolean Algebra. Michel directed the research center CEOL as a twofold SFI-PI (2003 – 2014). He is a DAAD and Marie Curie Fellow alumni and author of a Springer book on algorithm analysis. Michel is involved in the Irish storytelling tradition and promotes science to adults and children through storytelling.

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