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OUR Alumni

Corina Naughton

Award: Fulbright Irish Scholar Award

Sponsor: HRB

Institution: University College Cork

Year: 2023

As Professor of Clinical Nursing in Older Person’s Healthcare, my goal is to improve the quality and dignity of care for older people across healthcare settings informed by what matters to older people and their families. I work with nursing, interdisciplinary teams and service leads to develop age positive organisational culture delivering age-attuned services provided by a gerontological capable workforce.
My clinical professor role is a joint appointment between the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SoNM), University College Cork and the Health Service Executive South/South West Hospital Group (SSWHG) and is the first such appointment in Irish nursing. My research and education interests focus on evidence translation on topics including implementation of frailty and dementia pathways, fundamental care (mobilisation, nutrition and cognition), advance care planning and community integrated services. I lead the SoNM, Ageing Integrated Research cluster with a dynamic team impacting local, national and international policy and practice. www.ucc.ie/en/nursingmidwifery/research/ageing/

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