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Robert Trumble

Dr Robert Trumble is a Management Professor and Centre Director at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.  As a past Division Director at the National Institutes of Health and the…

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John Countryman

Dr John Countryman is Associate Professor of Fine Arts at Berry College in Rome, Georgia. He is a theatre artist, a professional life coach and Irish Studies scholar as well…

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Marcia Van Riper

Dr Marcia Van Riper is a Professor and Chair of the Family Health Division at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and current President of the International Family…

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Matthew Sutton

Dr Matthew Avery Sutton is an associate professor of history at Washington State University. He will be based at University College Dublin where he will lecture on American Cultural, Political,…

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James Green

Professor James Green is a based at Georgia Southern University. His Fulbright Specialist Award was with the University of Limerick in Education.

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Cay Anderson-Hanley

Dr Cay Anderson-Hanley is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Union College, NY. While at the National University of Ireland in Galway, she will collaborate on research…

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Cara Delay

Dr Cara Delay is Associate Professor of History at the College of Charleston. She will be based at University College Dublin Humanities Institute, where she will lecture and conduct research…

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Aostre Johnson

Dr Aostre Johnson is Professor of Education at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. She will be based at All Hallows College of Dublin City University. She will conduct research and…

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Brigittine French

Dr Brigittine French is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Linguistics at Grinnell College in Iowa.  She will be based at Dublin City University in the School of Applied…

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Bryan McCullick

Professor Bryan McCullick was a Fulbright Specialist Awardee with the Gaelic Athletic Association in Sports Science. His home institution is the University of Georgia.

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